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Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc.
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Resolution from town of Centreville Commending Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network

Mayor Larry Lee and Alderman Amee Walker

Mayor Larry Lee and Alderman Amee Walker Presents Resolution to Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network during Banquet

By: Amee David Walker 
4th Ward Alderman
Town of Centreville, MS
Resolution to Acknowledge and Commend the Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc. for its efforts to provide Recreational Activities for Youth in our Community.
WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen of the town of Centreville is working to identify and implement ways to deliver Healthy Lifestyle/Leisure & Recreation services to the residents of Centreville; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen at its July, 2015, meeting voted unanimously to support community driven local initiatives to enhance Healthy Lifestyle/Leisure & Recreation services in the town of Centreville; and

WHEREAS, the town of Centreville is blessed with outstanding citizens who are committed to working together to create a better Centreville and ultimately a better Wilkinson county; and

WHEREAS, the town of Centreville is a community which encourages its citizens to maximize their personal contribution to the community by taking personal responsibility for creating the desired environment; and 

WHEREAS, the town of Centreville is a community which chooses to shine a light on and celebrate individuals and organizations within the community who work to make a difference and lift up other members of our community; and
WHEREAS, the Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community based organization formed to provide the structure and leadership in support of our community through youth oriented programs and to provide the environment where tomorrow's leaders can build character, self-esteem and self-confidence; and

WHEREAS, cooperation among governmental agencies, schools, businesses, parents and community volunteers is seen as the most effective way to provide recreational programming for our youth; and

WHEREAS, the Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc. inspires effective working relationships within local governments, community organizations, school district, businesses, and individuals through youth oriented programming; and

WHEREAS, under the guidance of the Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc., more than 100 children between the ages of 6 and 12 are being taught how to be part of a team, to give and take, to win and to lose while displaying good sportsmanship, to develop their physical and mental well-being, to build character to be better prepared for adult life, and to engage in Community Service projects by assisting in fundraising efforts for the Camp Van Dorn World War II Museum, and  

WHEREAS, the Wilkinson County Wildcats Youth Football & Cheerleader Program demonstrates its commitment to ensuring safety for our youth by requiring Level-1 Tackle Certification of all Coaches and was recognized for fully adopting Heads Up Football, a comprehensive program developed by USA Football to advance player safety in the game of American football, 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, I, Larry J. Lee, Mayor, town of Centreville, Mississippi on behalf of the Board of Aldermen, acknowledges and commends the Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc. for its commitment to make our community a better place to live, be it further

RESOLVED, that an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Wilk-Amite Youth Action Network, Inc. as an expression of high regard by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the town of Centreville, Mississippi.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen 
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
In Centreville, Mississippi
Larry J. Lee, Mayor 

Female Flag Football Team


Athletics and Academics


Marvin Earl Haynes Community League


Highlighting Female Coaches
